Bourletiella arvalis
An exotic collembolan, originally from Europe, common in gardens in Australia. (Long grass, Montagu, NW Tasmania, December 2015)

Katianna species, Tasmania
An incredible collembolan from Montagu, NW Tasmania. (From under fallen bark in paddocks, April, 2014)

Unknown collembolan, Tairua, New Zealand ( rotten hardwood, re-generating Kauri forest, February, 2016)

Temeritas species
A wet tropics collembolan from Cape Tribulation, Australia (under wood, January 2016)

Temeritas species
A wet tropics collembolan from Cape Tribulation, Australia (under wood, January 2016)

Temeritas species
Another wet tropics collembolan from Cape Tribulation, Australia, this time with a superhero mask. (under wood, January 2016)

Temeritas species
A common springtail on bracket fungi, Binna Burra, Lamington National Park, Queensland Australia.

Temeritas species
A baby Temeritas from Binna Burra, Lamington National Park Queensland, Australia.

Temeritas species, nr. T. isabellae
From Spion Kop, NW Tasmania, Australia (rainforest, under wood December 2015)

Novokatianna species, New Zealand
Common around Waikato area. This one was from outside Tairua NZ in regenerating Kauri bush. (under wood, February 2016)

Novokatianna species, New Zealand
Arse. Common around Waikato area. This one was from outside Tairua NZ in regenerating Kauri bush. (under wood, February 2016)

Novokatianna species
A very common species from North Island, New Zealand (Thames, rotten hardwood, in regenerating bush, February, 2016)

Novokatianna species
A beautiful and common collembolan from North Island, New Zealand. Like the other Novokatiannidae, they're very slow moving and quite strange looking, compared to other springtails. (Thames, under hardwood log in regenerating bush, February 2016)

Novokatianna species
A beautiful and common collembolan from North Island, New Zealand. Like the other Novokatiannidae, they're very slow moving and quite strange looking, compared to other springtails. (Thames, under hardwood log in regenerating bush, February 2016)

Novokatianna species
Another from the bush near Thames

Pararrhopalites species
A common collembolan in the rainforest of Australia's wet tropics. (Under wood, Cape Tribulation, Australia, January 2016)

Pseudachorutes species
A very large, 9mm collembolan photographed during a downpour, next to the sea. (Under wood, Punakaiki, New Zealand, June 2014)

Fasciosminthurus quinquefasciatus, Canada
The first recording of this species in North America, most likely an introduced exotic from Europe. (Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2015)

Fasciosminthurus quinquefasciatus, Canada
The first recording in North America, probably an exotic. Very heat tolerant, they were found on and near weed suppressing black plastic in the full heat of a Nova Scotian summer. (Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, June 2015)

December 2015 Smithton, NW Tasmania

Lepidocyrtus species
Standing on cobwebs. One of the harder stacking challenges, made from 22 photos at different focal points. (Under a log, St. Columba Falls, NE Tasmania, March 2014)

Holacanthella paucispinosa
A juvenile giant collembolan from bush near Thames, New Zealand (rotten hardwood, February 2016)

Holacanthella paucispinosa
A giant collembolan, pausing for a moment in its frantic running to escape my camera. (Under a rotten Nikau palm frond, Punakaiki, New Zealand, June 2014)

Acanthanura species, Tasmania
A giant collembolan, eating a slime mould fruiting body

Acanthanura species
A beautiful 11mm giant collembolan from Tasmania. (Milkshake Hills, September 2014)

Wolmersleymeria bicornis
A giant collembolan from Tasmania. (Under wood in rainforest, Spion Kop, Tasmania, December 2015)

Megalanura tasmaniae
Another beautiful giant springtail from Tasmania. Milkshake Hills, under wood, NW Tasmania, Sept 2014

Acanthanura species
From Binna Burra, Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia. Found under log.

poss. Lepidosira species
A very long, 7mm specimen from Tasmania. (Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, October 2014

Unknown species
Quite common in the wet tropics of Australia, around 0.6mm big. (Under wood in rainforest, Cape Tribulation, January, 2016)

Lathriopyga longiseta
A 1.4mm collembolan, rare in the UK, most common in the SW, though appearing to be increasing its range. (Under wood, Snook's Covert, East Pennard, Somerset, January 2015)

Neelides minutus
A rare, sightless 0.5mm UK collembolan, finally found in profusion in beech woods, Snook's Covert, East Pennard, Somerset, UK.

Neelides species
Common in Tasmania and Victoria, Australia. An undescribed, bright blue collembolan, around 0.8mm big. (Near Westbury in closed wet forest under log. Mid April 2014)

Neelus murinus
A sightless cave and deep leaf litter species, cosmopolitan but introduced to New Zealand. Photo from Rangitoto Island, New Zealand, where it appears to be the most common collembolan, living throughout the clinker-like crusts of black lava stone across the island. (Under fallen wood, Rangitoto Island, NZ August 2014)

Arrhopalites species
A juvenile from Nova Scotia, Canada. Found under a deep-set rock in forest, May 2015

Pygmarrhopolites pygmaeus
One of my favourite genera. Very common in caves and dark places. (Under log, Snook's Covert, East Pennard, Somerset March 2015)

Dicyrtomina species
From bush near Thames, North Island, New Zealand, February 2016

Dicyrtomina species
One from the wet tropics of Australia. (Under wood in garden, Cape Tribulation, January, 2016)

Dicyrtomina novaezealandiae
A beautiful collembolan found in scrub, under fallen wood. (Tairua, North Island, New Zealand, (not surprisingly), February, 2014)

Dicyrtomina minutus
A lovely little one, very common in the UK in autumn and winter. (In leaf litter, Compton Dundon, January 2018

Sminthurinus species
This juvenile was found crawling over a load of very long fungal hyphae. It gives some idea on the size, at around 0.6mm. (Bush near Penguin, Tasmania, mid-March 2014)

Sminthurides species
A juvenile aquatic male and female practice their courtship display by the side of a river. (Cape Tribulation, January 2016)

Sminthurides species
An aquatic collembolan, common on standing water. Queen Charlotte Island, Haida Gwaii August 2015

Sminthurides species
Sminthurides species by the edge of water. (Nelson, New Zealand, August 2014)

Isotomurus plumosus and Sminthurides aquaticus juveniles
Found on a pond, Walton, Nr. Wetherby, W. Yorkshire, Nov 2014

... which I placed on a New Zealand 10 cent coin to show how small it is... (Found under wood, in garden, Stewart Island, New Zealand, July 2014)

Sminthurides aquaticus
A common aquatic springtail, a female, sat around on my pond in Somerset UK. (Pond, Compton Dundon, December 2013)

Sminthurides species
(Lakeside, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat, Australia November 2015)

Lepidocyrtus paradoxus
A very common Collembola, found under stone, Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, April 2015

Pseudachorutes species
A beauty from regenerating kauri bush, Tairua, New Zealand, Feb 2016

Probably a Bilobella or Vitronura species, from the wet tropics of Australia. (Under wood in regrowth bush, Cairns, January 2016)

Odontella species
An amazing Collembola from leaf litter, closed wet forest, Birralee, Tasmania. April 2014

Under a log in regenerating bush, Tairua March 2016

Pseudachorutinae species
A beautiful flat rainforest species, 6mm, photographed in torrential rain. Franz Josef, New Zealand, March 2016

Spinotheca species with smaller Megalothorax species
A lovely little collembolan from New Zealand with a thin neck organ, possibly used in oxygen exchange. It shares this unusual adaption with Adelphoderia. Punakaiki, under fallen Rimu bark, NZ Aug 2014

Adelphoderia regina
A splendid adult from Tasmania, with the thick neck organ, distinctive for this genus. Under Eucalyptus log, Nr Geeveston, Tasmania, April 2014

Acanthomurus species
Franz Josef Glacier, in terminal moraine under rock at terminus of glacier, New Zealand May 2014

Pseudachorutes conspicuatus
A lovely fat collembolan from Tairua, New Zealand, from regenerating Kauri forest, Feb 2016

Pseudachorutes species
A Peeudachorutes species eating a slime mould/myxomycete fruiting body. From Cape Tribulation, Australia, April 2016 from regrowth rainforest.

Pseudachorutes species
A beauty from Kuranda, Queensland Australia, April 2016 from under bark in regenerating rainforest.

Sminthurus aureus
Adult, from under a log in beech woods, Turville Heath, Oxfordshire, UK

Bilobella braunerae
A beautiful juvenile springtail, from near Weinheim, Germany. Found under fallen bark in mixed woodland.

Allacma fusca
A very common and extremely large Northern Hemisphere springtail, measuring around 3.5mm. Found in beech woodland, East Pennard, Somerset, UK

Campylothorax species
From Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Found on fallen leaves in tropical rainforest.